Claude Lévi-Strauss said that diversity is one of the most remarkable features of humans. Because of this, we are unique. Diversity and unity, far from being opposite terms, condense in a powerful way the essence of humanity.
We celebrate the seventh edition of the AIBR International Conference of Anthropology AIBR under the theme HUMANITY: UNITY AND DIVERSITY. We make a call to recognize diversity as something that keep us connected as human beings. For centuries, our discipline has explored such diversity, and as soon as new realities were discovered, we have been forced to reinvent the meaning of the term. And along the way we were in the need to redefine many other fundamental concepts, such as science or evolution, on which Western society has built some of its most fanatical acts of faith.
Our research is based on a multitude of thematic categories, such as sexuality, values, myths or beliefs, to name just a few. Each of them has been mediated by the idea, or ideas of diversity. However, it is not possible to cover all of them without assuming, once again, the premise that summons us to the debate, exchange and reflection. The AIBR Conference, once again, will give us the opportunity for such encounter.
This year we will enjoy a privileged setting, both for its cultural context and for its natural environment. Thanks to the excellent disposition and collaboration of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, and the Cetrad (Center for Transitional Studies for Development), the AIBR Conference will take place in Vila Real, Portugal. We meet in a land of kind and generous people, a place of good wines and better food. In the words of the poet Miguel Torga: "A wonderful kingdom. The most beautiful imaginable on top of Portugal".
We invite you to join us in this new trip of the AIBR Conference
We will see you at Vila Real 2021!